Правила въезда в Анголу

Всего доступно 82 безвизовых стран для граждан Анголы.

👋 Список безвизовых стран для граждан Анголы (82 всего стран)

Для безвизововго въезда в страну необходимо выполнить следующие требования:

  • Наличие действительного паспорта: Ваш паспорт должен быть действительным в течение всего периода пребывания.
  • Страховка путешественника: В некоторых случаях может потребоваться наличие медицинской страховки, которая покрывает расходы на медицинское обслуживание во время пребывания.
  • Финансовая обеспеченность: Могут потребоваться доказательства того, что у вас достаточно финансов для проживания в стране без вреда для ее социальной системы.
  • Цель визита: Вам может потребоваться доказать цель вашего визита, например, туризм, деловая поездка или посещение друзей и родственников.

💻 Страны с электронной визой для граждан Анголы (21 стран)

  • The cost of flights: Angolan citizens may prefer to travel domestically to save money on expensive international flights.
  • Accommodations: Traveling within Angola allows citizens to explore their own country and experience different regions without the extra cost of accommodations.
  • Visa process: Domestic travel eliminates the need for complex visa processing and paperwork, making it more convenient for Angolan citizens.
  • Exchange currency rate: Traveling within Angola means not having to worry about fluctuating exchange rates and additional costs associated with international transactions.
  • Roaming: Domestic travel eliminates the need for expensive international roaming charges on mobile phones and internet services.
  • Countryside exploration: Angola is a diverse country with beautiful landscapes, national parks, and remote regions that citizens may prefer to explore first before traveling abroad.
  • Cultural preservation: By traveling within Angola, citizens contribute to the preservation of their own culture, traditions, and heritage.
  • Promoting local businesses: Domestic travel supports the local economy and promotes small businesses within Angola.

  • Cost of flights: Flights from Angola to Brazil are relatively affordable compared to other long-haul destinations, making it an attractive option for travelers.
  • Accommodations: Brazil offers a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels to luxury resorts, catering to different preferences and budgets.
  • Visa process: The visa process for Angolan citizens traveling to Brazil is relatively straightforward, with a simpler application and shorter processing time compared to some other countries.
  • Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Angolan kwanza and the Brazilian real is generally favorable, allowing travelers to get more value for their money during their stay.
  • Roaming facilities: Brazil and Angola have agreements in place that provide for lower roaming charges, making it easier and more cost-effective for Angolan citizens to stay connected while traveling.
  • Country's remoteness: Brazil's remote and exotic appeal attracts adventure seekers and those looking to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations, offering unique cultural and natural experiences.
  • Tropical climate: Angola and Brazil share similar tropical climates, making it an appealing destination for Angolan citizens who are accustomed to warm weather.
  • Cultural ties: Historical and cultural ties between Angola and Brazil encourage Angolan citizens to visit and explore the similarities and connections between the two countries.

  • Cost of flights: Citizens of Angola prefer to travel to South Africa due to the availability of affordable flight options. Many airlines operate between the two countries, offering competitive prices for flights.
  • Accommodations: South Africa offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit various budgets. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses and hostels, travelers from Angola can find suitable and comfortable places to stay.
  • Visa process: The visa process for Angolan citizens traveling to South Africa is relatively straightforward compared to other destinations. The visa application requirements are clear, and the process is efficient, making it easier for Angolan citizens to plan and organize their trips.
  • Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Angolan kwanza and the South African rand is favorable for Angolan travelers. This means that their money can go further in South Africa, allowing them to enjoy more activities and experiences during their visit.
  • Roaming: South Africa and Angola have good mobile network coverage, and roaming services are widely available. Angolan citizens can easily use their mobile phones and stay connected while traveling in South Africa, without incurring high roaming charges.
  • Cultural diversity: South Africa is known for its rich cultural diversity, offering Angolan citizens the opportunity to explore various cultures, traditions, and languages. This cultural exchange can be both educational and enriching for travelers from Angola.
  • Tourist attractions: South Africa is home to world-famous tourist attractions such as Table Mountain, Kruger National Park, and Cape Winelands. Angolan citizens are drawn to these iconic landmarks and natural wonders, making South Africa an attractive travel destination.
  • Proximity: South Africa is geographically close to Angola, making it a convenient travel destination. The travel time between the two countries is relatively short, allowing Angolan citizens to have easier access to South Africa compared to other distant destinations.