Правила въезда в Австрию
Всего доступно 169 безвизовых стран для граждан Австрии.
👋 Список безвизовых стран для граждан Австрии (169 всего стран)
- Албания
- Андорра
- Ангола
- Антигуа и Барбуда
- Аргентина
- Армения
- Австралия
- Азербайджан
- Багамы
- Бахрейн
- Бангладеш
- Барбадос
- Беларусь
- Бельгия
- Белиз
- Бенин
- Бутан
- Боливия
- Босния и Герцеговина
- Ботсвана
- Бразилия
- Бруней
- Болгария
- Буркина-Фасо
- Бурунди
- Кабо-Верде
- Камбоджа
- Камерун
- Канада
- Чили
- Колумбия
- Коморы
- Коста Рика
- Хорватия
- Куба
- Кипр
- Чехия
- Конго, Демократическая Республика
- Дания
- Джибути
- Доминика
- Доминиканская Республика
- Эквадор
- Египет
- Сальвадор
- Экваториальная Гвинея
- Эстония
- Эфиопия
- Фиджи
- Финляндия
- Франция
- Габон
- Грузия
- Германия
- Греция
- Гренада
- Гватемала
- Гвинея
- Гвинея-Бисау
- Гайана
- Гаити
- Гондурас
- Венгрия
- Исландия
- Индия
- Индонезия
- Иран
- Ирак
- Ирландия
- Израиль
- Италия
- Ямайка
- Япония
- Иордания
- Казахстан
- Кения
- Кирибати
- Кувейт
- Киргизия
- Лаос
- Латвия
- Ливан
- Лесото
- Лихтенштейн
- Литва
- Люксембург
- Мадагаскар
- Малави
- Малайзия
- Мальдивы
- Мальта
- Маршалловы острова
- Мавритания
- Маврикий
- Мексика
- Микронезия
- Монако
- Монголия
- Черногория
- Марокко
- Мозамбик
- Мьянма
- Намибия
- Непал
- Нидерланды
- Новая Зеландия
- Никарагуа
- Нигерия
- Норвегия
- Оман
- Пакистан
- Палау
- Панама
- Папуа Новая Гвинея
- Парагвай
- Перу
- Филиппины
- Польша
- Португалия
- Катар
- Южная Корея
- Молдавия
- Румыния
- Россия
- Руанда
- Сент-Китс и Невис
- Сент-Люсия
- Сент-Винсент и Гренадины
- Самоа
- Сан-Марино
- Саудовская Аравия
- Сенегал
- Сербия
- Сейшелы
- Сьерра-Леоне
- Сингапур
- Словакия
- Словения
- Соломоновы острова
- Сомали
- Южный Судан
- Испания
- Шри-Ланка
- Швеция
- Швейцария
- Таджикистан
- Таиланд
- Македония
- Тимор-Лешти
- Того
- Тонга
- Тринидад и Тобаго
- Тунис
- Турция
- Тувалу
- Уганда
- Украина
- Великобритания
- Танзания
- Уругвай
- Узбекистан
- Вануату
- Венесуэла
- Вьетнам
- Замбия
- Зимбабве
Для безвизововго въезда в страну необходимо выполнить следующие требования:
- Наличие действительного паспорта: Ваш паспорт должен быть действительным в течение всего периода пребывания.
- Страховка путешественника: В некоторых случаях может потребоваться наличие медицинской страховки, которая покрывает расходы на медицинское обслуживание во время пребывания.
- Финансовая обеспеченность: Могут потребоваться доказательства того, что у вас достаточно финансов для проживания в стране без вреда для ее социальной системы.
- Цель визита: Вам может потребоваться доказать цель вашего визита, например, туризм, деловая поездка или посещение друзей и родственников.
💻 Страны с электронной визой для граждан Австрии (38 стран)
- Азербайджан
- Бахрейн
- Бенин
- Бутан
- Буркина-Фасо
- Камбоджа
- Камерун
- Конго, Демократическая Республика
- Джибути
- Египет
- Экваториальная Гвинея
- Эфиопия
- Габон
- Гвинея
- Индия
- Иордания
- Кения
- Кувейт
- Лаос
- Мадагаскар
- Малави
- Мозамбик
- Мьянма
- Непал
- Нигерия
- Оман
- Пакистан
- Папуа Новая Гвинея
- Россия
- Руанда
- Саудовская Аравия
- Сьерра-Леоне
- Южный Судан
- Того
- Уганда
- Танзания
- Вьетнам
- Зимбабве
🔥 Самые популярные страны у граждан Австрии (9 стран)
- Beautiful landscapes: Austria is known for its stunning natural beauty, with breathtaking mountains, lakes, and charming villages that attract tourists from around the world.
- Rich cultural heritage: The country boasts a rich cultural history, with magnificent castles, palaces, museums, and music festivals, making it a haven for history and art enthusiasts.
- World-class ski resorts: Austria is renowned for its top-notch ski resorts and excellent slopes, luring winter sports enthusiasts looking for thrilling adventures on the mountains.
- Delicious cuisine: Austrian cuisine offers a mouthwatering array of dishes, including famous specialties like Wiener Schnitzel and Sachertorte, satisfying the cravings of food lovers.
- Affordable flights: The availability of low-cost airlines and competitive flight prices make it convenient and economical for Austrian citizens to travel within the country.
- Easy visa process: Austrian citizens do not require a visa to travel within Austria, eliminating the hassle and cost of visa applications, making it a hassle-free experience.
- Favorable currency exchange rate: As Austria is part of the Eurozone, citizens can enjoy the convenience of using the same currency, avoiding the need for currency exchange and potential extra expenses.
- Good network coverage: Austria has extensive mobile network coverage, ensuring easy connectivity for citizens who want to stay connected and avoid expensive roaming charges.
- Proximity: Croatia is geographically close to Austria, making it easily accessible for travel. The short distance reduces travel time and cost of flights.
- Cost-effective flights: Flights between Austria and Croatia are generally affordable, especially during off-peak seasons or with budget airlines.
- Diverse accommodation options: Croatia offers a wide range of accommodations, from budget-friendly hostels and apartments to luxury hotels and resorts, catering to different budgets and preferences.
- Visa-free travel: Austrian citizens can travel to Croatia without the need for a visa. This eliminates the additional time, effort, and expense associated with obtaining a travel visa.
- Currency exchange rate: The exchange rate between the Euro (used in Austria) and the Croatian Kuna is often advantageous for Austrians, enabling them to get better value for their money during their stay in Croatia.
- Beautiful coastline: Croatia boasts stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and picturesque islands along its coastline. Austrians can enjoy the Mediterranean atmosphere and indulge in various water activities.
- Rich cultural heritage: Croatia offers a rich cultural experience with its historical cities, charming towns, ancient sites, and UNESCO World Heritage sites. Austrians can explore the cultural diversity and immerse themselves in the local traditions.
- Outdoor activities: Croatia's diverse geography provides ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, sailing, and kayaking. Austrians can enjoy nature, national parks, and outdoor adventures in a different setting.
- 1. Cultural diversity: France is known for its rich cultural heritage, offering a wide range of historical sites, museums, art galleries, and festivals, which attract Austrian citizens seeking a diverse cultural experience.
- 2. Culinary delights: French cuisine is renowned worldwide, and Austria travelers often choose France as a destination to indulge in exquisite food and wine, exploring the various regional specialties and Michelin-starred restaurants.
- 3. Easy accessibility: The availability of direct flights from major Austrian cities to popular French destinations makes travel between the two countries convenient and time-saving, reducing the hassle of long layovers and transfers.
- 4. Accommodation options: France offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences, from luxurious hotels to cozy vacation rentals and budget-friendly hostels, ensuring there's something for every Austrian traveler.
- 5. Visa process: Being a member of the Schengen Area, Austrian citizens do not need a visa to enter France, simplifying the travel process and eliminating the need for additional paperwork and fees.
- 6. Favorable exchange rates: The exchange rate between the Euro and the Austrian and French currencies (Euro and Euro) is usually favorable, making it easier for Austrian travelers to manage their expenses and get more value for their money during their stay in France.
- 7. Mobile roaming: Since both Austria and France are part of the European Union, Austrian citizens can enjoy free roaming of mobile services, allowing them to stay connected with ease and avoid additional charges while exploring the French cities and countryside.
- 8. Proximity and transportation: France shares borders with several neighboring countries, including Austria's neighboring country Germany, enabling Austrian travelers to reach France easily by train or car, making it a convenient and attractive destination for a quick getaway or longer trips.
- Proximity: Austria and Germany share a border, making it convenient and accessible for Austrian citizens to travel to Germany.
- Cultural Similarities: Austria and Germany have many cultural similarities, including the language, making it easier for Austrians to navigate and communicate in Germany.
- Cost of Flights: Due to the close proximity, flights between Austria and Germany tend to be relatively affordable, allowing citizens to travel easily and frequently.
- Accommodations: Germany offers a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly to luxury, catering to various preferences and budgets of Austrian travelers.
- Visa Process: As both Austria and Germany are part of the Schengen Area, Austrian citizens do not require a visa to travel to Germany, simplifying the travel process.
- Exchange Currency Rate: Austria and Germany both use the euro as their currency, eliminating the need for currency exchange and minimizing financial hassle for Austrian travelers.
- Roaming Charges: As part of the European Union, Austria and Germany have abolished roaming charges, allowing Austrian citizens to use their mobile phones without incurring additional expenses.
- Historical and Cultural Attractions: Germany is home to numerous historical and cultural sites such as Berlin Wall, Neuschwanstein Castle, and the Cologne Cathedral, offering Austrian travelers diverse and enriching experiences.
- Cost of flights: Austria and Greece have several budget airlines offering affordable flights, making it cheaper for citizens of Austria to travel to Greece.
- Accommodations: Greece offers a wide range of accommodations, from luxury resorts to budget-friendly hotels and hostels, catering to different preferences and budgets of Austrian travelers.
- Visa process: Austria is a member of the Schengen Area, and so is Greece. This means that Austrian citizens do not need a visa to travel to Greece, simplifying the travel process.
- Exchange currency rate: As both Austria and Greece are part of the Eurozone, citizens of Austria do not have to worry about exchanging currency, making transactions and budgeting more convenient.
- Roaming: Since both Austria and Greece are part of the European Union, citizens of Austria can enjoy free roaming of their mobile phones without incurring additional charges, making it easier to stay connected while traveling.
- Country's remoteness: Greece offers a change of scenery and a different cultural experience for Austrian travelers due to its geographical proximity. It provides an opportunity to explore new destinations without traveling long distances.
- Historical and cultural attractions: Greece is rich in historical and cultural heritage, with iconic landmarks such as the Acropolis, ancient ruins, and museums. Austrian citizens may be drawn to Greece's history and seek to explore these attractions.
- Natural beauty: Greece boasts stunning landscapes, including beautiful islands, beaches, mountains, and national parks, providing Austrian travelers with a diverse range of natural attractions to explore and enjoy.
- Proximity: Austria and Italy share a border, making it easily accessible for Austrian citizens to travel to Italy. The close proximity allows for shorter travel times and lower transportation costs.
- Scenic Routes: Italy offers breathtaking scenic routes such as the Amalfi Coast, Tuscany, and the Dolomites, which are popular among Austrian travelers who appreciate natural beauty and picturesque landscapes.
- Historical and Cultural Significance: Italy is home to numerous historical and cultural sites like Rome, Florence, and Venice. Austrians often visit Italy to explore its rich history, art, and architecture.
- Culinary Delights: Italian cuisine is renowned worldwide for its delicious pasta, pizza, gelato, and wines. Austrian travelers often indulge in Italian gastronomy and culinary experiences during their visit.
- Beach Destinations: Italy boasts a diverse range of stunning beaches along its coastline, providing Austrian tourists with an opportunity to relax and soak up the sun during the summer months.
- Shopping Opportunities: Italian cities like Milan are renowned shopping destinations, offering a plethora of high-end fashion brands and boutiques. Austrian travelers often take advantage of the shopping opportunities in Italy.
- Cost of Flights and Accommodations: Due to the geographical proximity, flights from Austria to Italy are often more affordable compared to long-haul destinations. Likewise, accommodation options vary, catering to different budgets.
- Simplified Visa Process: As both Austria and Italy are members of the Schengen Area, Austrian citizens do not require a visa to travel to Italy. This makes the process of traveling to Italy hassle-free and convenient.
- Easy and affordable flights: Austria's proximity to the Netherlands makes it convenient for citizens to find affordable flight options.
- Various accommodation options: Netherlands offers a wide range of accommodations, catering to different budgets and preferences.
- Simple visa process: The visa process for Austrian citizens traveling to the Netherlands is relatively straightforward and hassle-free.
- Favorable currency exchange rate: The Euro is the common currency in both Austria and the Netherlands, eliminating the need for currency exchange and any associated fees.
- No roaming charges: Austria and Netherlands are both part of the European Union, allowing travelers to use their mobile devices without incurring additional roaming charges.
- Cultural and historical attractions: Netherlands is renowned for its rich history, vibrant culture, and iconic landmarks such as the Anne Frank House and Van Gogh Museum.
- Picturesque cities and landscapes: From the charming canals of Amsterdam to the tulip fields in Keukenhof, Netherlands offers stunning landscapes and picturesque cities for exploration.
- Accessible transportation: The Netherlands has a well-developed public transportation network, including trains and buses, making it easy for tourists to navigate and explore different regions.
- Cost-effective flights: One of the reasons why citizens of Austria prefer to travel to Spain is the availability of cost-effective flights. Many airlines offer affordable and direct flights from major cities in Austria to popular destinations in Spain.
- Accommodations: Spain offers a wide range of accommodation options catering to different budgets. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels and vacation rentals, there is something to suit every traveler's needs.
- Visa process: As both Austria and Spain are part of the Schengen Area, citizens of Austria do not need a visa to visit Spain for short stays (up to 90 days). The hassle-free visa process makes it easier for Austrians to plan their trips to Spain.
- Exchange currency rate: The Euro is the common currency used in both Austria and Spain. Therefore, Austrians do not need to worry about exchanging their currency, eliminating any potential currency exchange fees or losses.
- Roaming charges: As both Austria and Spain are part of the European Union, citizens of Austria can benefit from the "Roam Like at Home" regulation. This means that they can use their mobile phones in Spain without incurring any additional roaming charges.
- Varied landscapes and attractions: Spain offers a diverse range of landscapes and attractions, including beautiful beaches, vibrant cities, historic sites, and picturesque countryside. Whether Austrians are looking for a sun-soaked beach holiday or a cultural city break, Spain has it all.
- Language similarity: While Spanish is the official language in Spain, there are many Austrians who are familiar with the language or have some knowledge of it. This language similarity can make communication easier and enhance the overall travel experience.
- Food and culinary experiences: Spanish cuisine is renowned worldwide for its flavors and variety. Austrians traveling to Spain can indulge in delicious tapas, paella, churros, and other traditional dishes, as well as enjoy the local wines and sangria.
- Cost of flights: Austria and Turkey have several airlines operating between the two countries, leading to a competitive airfare market. This often results in affordable flights, making it attractive for Austrian citizens to travel to Turkey.
- Accommodations: Turkey offers a wide range of accommodation options, including luxury resorts, budget-friendly hotels, and cozy guesthouses. This variety allows Austrian travelers to find accommodation that suits their preferences and budget.
- Visa process: Austria and Turkey have a visa exemption agreement, allowing Austrian citizens to visit Turkey for up to 90 days without the need for a visa. This simplifies the travel process and makes it hassle-free for Austrians to explore the country.
- Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Euro and the Turkish Lira often favors Austrian travelers. This means that Austrians can get more value for their money when exchanging currency, making Turkey an economical destination.
- Roaming: Austria and Turkey have agreements in place that allow mobile roaming services between the two countries. This enables Austrian citizens to use their mobile phones in Turkey without incurring excessive roaming charges, making communication and internet access more affordable.
- Cultural diversity: Turkey is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, blending influences from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Austrian travelers can immerse themselves in a different cultural experience, explore historical sites, and enjoy a unique fusion of traditions.
- Geographic proximity: Turkey is relatively close to Austria, making it easily accessible for travelers. Short flight durations and well-connected transportation options provide convenience for Austrians who wish to visit a country that offers diverse landscapes and attractions.
- Natural beauty: Turkey boasts stunning natural landscapes, including beautiful coastlines, mountains, and unique geological formations. Austrian tourists can take advantage of the country's natural beauty, engage in outdoor activities, and enjoy picturesque views.