Правила въезда в Бангладеш

Всего доступно 0 безвизовых стран для граждан Бангладеша.

👋 Список безвизовых стран для граждан Бангладеша (0 всего стран)

Для безвизововго въезда в страну необходимо выполнить следующие требования:

  • Наличие действительного паспорта: Ваш паспорт должен быть действительным в течение всего периода пребывания.
  • Страховка путешественника: В некоторых случаях может потребоваться наличие медицинской страховки, которая покрывает расходы на медицинское обслуживание во время пребывания.
  • Финансовая обеспеченность: Могут потребоваться доказательства того, что у вас достаточно финансов для проживания в стране без вреда для ее социальной системы.
  • Цель визита: Вам может потребоваться доказать цель вашего визита, например, туризм, деловая поездка или посещение друзей и родственников.

💻 Страны с электронной визой для граждан Бангладеша (0 стран)

  • Cost of flights: Many citizens of Bangladesh prefer to travel to Australia due to the availability of affordable flight options. Several airlines offer competitive prices for flights between the two countries, making it more accessible for people to visit.
  • Accommodations: Australia offers a wide range of accommodation options catering to different budgets and preferences. From budget hostels to luxury hotels and rental apartments, travelers from Bangladesh can find suitable accommodation options during their stay.
  • Visa process: While the visa process may require some paperwork and documentation, it is relatively straightforward for Bangladeshi citizens to apply for a tourist visa to Australia. The process has become more efficient, making it easier for people to visit the country.
  • Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Bangladeshi taka (BDT) and the Australian dollar (AUD) can be favorable for travelers from Bangladesh. This allows them to have a better purchasing power and make their trip more economical.
  • Roaming facilities: Telecommunication companies in Bangladesh often offer international roaming services that cover Australia. This enables Bangladeshi travelers to stay connected with their loved ones back home without incurring high roaming charges.
  • Country's remoteness: Australia's unique geography, vast landscapes, and diverse wildlife attract many adventurous travelers. Citizens of Bangladesh who seek to explore the remote and untouched corners of the world find Australia an appealing destination.
  • Diverse experiences: Australia offers a wide range of experiences to suit different interests. From exploring vibrant cities to experiencing the Outback, visiting stunning beaches or diving in the Great Barrier Reef, Bangladeshis can have diverse and fulfilling travel experiences in Australia.
  • Education and work opportunities: Australia is known for its quality education system, and many Bangladeshis choose to travel to Australia for higher studies. Additionally, it offers various work and immigration opportunities for skilled workers, attracting individuals looking for career growth and better prospects.

  • Cost of flights: One of the primary reasons why citizens of Bangladesh prefer to travel to India is the relatively lower cost of flights. There are several budget airlines and travel options available, making it more affordable for people to visit India.
  • Accommodations: India offers a wide range of accommodation options catering to various budgets. From luxury hotels to budget guesthouses and hostels, travelers from Bangladesh can find suitable and affordable places to stay during their visit.
  • Visa process: The visa process for Bangladeshi citizens traveling to India has become more streamlined in recent years. The e-visa facility and simplified application procedures have made it easier for people to obtain visas, reducing the hassle and time involved.
  • Exchange currency rate: The favorable exchange rate between the Bangladeshi Taka and the Indian Rupee makes it advantageous for citizens of Bangladesh to travel to India. This enables them to get more value for their money and enjoy their trip within a reasonable budget.
  • Roaming facilities: Due to the close proximity and cultural ties between Bangladesh and India, mobile roaming facilities are often available and affordable. This allows travelers to stay connected with their families and friends back home without incurring high communication costs.
  • Proximity: Bangladesh shares a border with India, making it easily accessible for travel. The geographical proximity encourages citizens of Bangladesh to explore their neighboring country, as it offers a different cultural experience without the need for long-haul flights.
  • Similarities in language and culture: Bangladesh and India share similarities in language and culture due to their historical and cultural connections. This familiarity and common cultural heritage make it easier for citizens of Bangladesh to navigate and adapt to the Indian environment during their travels.
  • Diverse tourist attractions: India boasts a vast array of tourist attractions, ranging from historic sites to natural wonders, cultural festivals, and spiritual destinations. Bangladeshis are attracted to the diverse experiences India offers, catering to various interests and preferences.

  • Cost of flights: Many citizens of Bangladesh prefer to travel to Malaysia because of the affordable flight options available. The flight fares are comparatively cheaper compared to other popular destinations.
  • Accommodations: Malaysia offers a range of budget-friendly accommodations, making it an attractive choice for Bangladeshi travelers. There are plenty of options available, ranging from budget hotels to luxury resorts.
  • Visa process: The visa process for traveling to Malaysia is relatively straightforward for Bangladeshi citizens. The requirements are clear and the process is efficient, making it easier for people to obtain a visa.
  • Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) and the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) is generally favorable. This means that travelers from Bangladesh can get more value for their money during their stay in Malaysia.
  • Roaming facilities: Malaysia offers good roaming facilities for international travelers, including those coming from Bangladesh. This allows people to stay connected with their loved ones back home without incurring exorbitant charges.
  • Cultural similarities: Bangladesh and Malaysia share certain cultural similarities, which can make it easier for Bangladeshi travelers to adapt to the local customs and traditions in Malaysia.
  • Beautiful landscapes: Malaysia is known for its breathtaking landscapes, including stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and picturesque mountains. Many Bangladeshi tourists are attracted to the natural beauty and scenic spots Malaysia has to offer.
  • Food variety: Malaysian cuisine is diverse and offers a wide range of flavors and dishes. Bangladeshis, who appreciate delicious food, find Malaysian cuisine appealing and enjoy exploring the diverse culinary options available.

  • Cultural and religious significance: Saudi Arabia is home to the two holiest cities in Islam: Mecca and Medina. Many Bangladeshis travel to Saudi Arabia for religious purposes, such as performing Hajj or Umrah.
  • Employment opportunities: Saudi Arabia offers job opportunities in various sectors, attracting many Bangladeshi workers who seek better employment prospects and higher wages.
  • Lower cost of flights: Competitive airfares and the presence of numerous airlines flying between Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia make traveling more affordable for citizens.
  • Affordable accommodations: Saudi Arabia provides a range of accommodation options catering to different budgets, offering affordable options for Bangladeshi travelers.
  • Simplified visa process: The Saudi government has introduced easier and more convenient visa processes, making it simpler for Bangladeshi citizens to obtain travel permission.
  • Favorable currency exchange rate: The currency exchange rate between the Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) and the Saudi Riyal (SAR) generally favors Bangladeshi travelers, allowing them to get more value for their money.
  • Roaming facilities: Telecommunication providers in Bangladesh often offer cost-effective roaming services for travelers visiting Saudi Arabia, providing connectivity at more affordable rates.
  • Geographical proximity: Bangladesh is relatively close to Saudi Arabia, making it a convenient travel destination for Bangladeshi citizens who prefer shorter travel durations.
  • Community and social networks: Bangladeshis have established strong communities and social networks in Saudi Arabia, creating a sense of familiarity and comfort for new travelers.

  • Affordable flights: Citizens of Bangladesh prefer to travel to Singapore because there are several affordable flights available between the two countries. This makes it convenient and accessible for people to travel.
  • Reasonable accommodations: Singapore offers a range of accommodation options to suit different budgets. Whether it's budget hostels or luxury hotels, there is something for everyone.
  • Simplified visa process: The visa process for Bangladeshi citizens to visit Singapore is relatively straightforward and hassle-free. This makes it easier for people to plan their trip without any major complications.
  • Favorable exchange rate: The currency exchange rate between Bangladeshi Taka and Singapore Dollar is usually favorable, allowing travelers to get more value for their money during their stay in Singapore.
  • Excellent roaming facilities: Singapore has good mobile network coverage and offers reasonably priced roaming services for international travelers. This helps people stay connected with their loved ones back home without incurring excessive charges.
  • Well-connected transportation: Singapore has a well-developed transportation system, including an efficient subway system and easily available buses. This makes it convenient for travelers to explore the city and visit various attractions.
  • Safe and secure environment: Singapore is known for being one of the safest countries in the world. This gives Bangladeshi travelers peace of mind and ensures they can enjoy their trip without worrying about safety concerns.
  • Cultural diversity: Singapore is a melting pot of various cultures, offering a diverse and vibrant experience for travelers. Bangladeshi citizens often appreciate the opportunity to explore different cultures and traditions.

  • Cost of flights: Bangladeshis prefer traveling to Thailand because there are several affordable flight options available between the two countries. This makes it easier for citizens to plan their trips without worrying about expensive airfare.
  • Accommodations: Thailand offers a wide range of accommodation options suitable for different budgets. From budget guesthouses to luxury resorts, there is something for everyone, making it an attractive destination for Bangladeshi travelers.
  • Visa process: The visa application process for Bangladeshis traveling to Thailand is relatively straightforward and hassle-free. This makes it easier for citizens to obtain their travel visas, encouraging them to choose Thailand as a destination.
  • Exchange currency rate: The exchange rate between Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) and Thai Baht (THB) is generally favorable. This means that citizens get good value for their money when exchanging currency, making Thailand an affordable destination for shopping and exploring.
  • Roaming facilities: Thailand offers good roaming services for international travelers, including citizens from Bangladesh. This allows them to stay connected with their loved ones back home without incurring excessive charges for mobile usage.
  • Country's remoteness: Thailand's geographical location makes it easily accessible for Bangladeshi travelers. With several airlines operating direct flights between the two countries, it is convenient for citizens to plan their trips without long layovers or extensive travel time.
  • Cultural diversity: Thailand is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse traditions. Bangladeshi travelers are often attracted to the unique experiences and opportunities to explore a different culture that Thailand has to offer.
  • Tourist attractions: From stunning beaches and islands to iconic temples and bustling markets, Thailand is home to a plethora of tourist attractions. Bangladeshi travelers seek these unique experiences and visit popular destinations like Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, and Chiang Mai.

  • Expansive Historical and Cultural Sites: Turkey is home to numerous historical and cultural sites such as the ancient city of Ephesus, Pamukkale's travertine terraces, and the stunning Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, which attract tourists from around the world.
  • Affordable Flights: Flights between Bangladesh and Turkey are relatively affordable, making it an appealing destination for many Bangladeshi citizens.
  • Reasonable Accommodations: There is a wide range of accommodation options available in Turkey, catering to different budgets and preferences. From budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts, travelers can find suitable places to stay in various cities.
  • Simplified Visa Process: Bangladesh citizens can obtain a Turkish visa with relative ease, making it a hassle-free destination to visit.
  • Favorable Currency Exchange Rate: The currency exchange rate between the Bangladeshi Taka and the Turkish Lira is often advantageous for Bangladeshi travelers, allowing them to get more value for their money during their trip.
  • Good Connectivity: Several airlines operate direct flights from Bangladesh to Turkey, providing good connectivity options for travelers.
  • Similar Religious and Cultural Background: Turkey's shared cultural and historical ties with the Islamic world, as well as its reputation for religious tolerance, can make it an attractive choice for Bangladeshi citizens seeking a Muslim-friendly travel experience.
  • Vibrant Shopping Opportunities: Turkey is renowned for its bustling markets, bazaars, and shopping malls where visitors can find a wide array of products, including traditional Turkish crafts, spices, textiles, and more.

  • Opportunity for higher education: Bangladeshis often prefer to travel to the United States for higher education due to the availability of world-class universities and diverse academic programs.
  • Employment prospects: Many Bangladeshis travel to the United States for better job opportunities and higher salaries compared to what they can find in their home country.
  • Better healthcare facilities: The United States is known for its advanced healthcare system, and Bangladeshis may choose to travel there for specialized medical treatments or procedures.
  • Standard of living: The United States offers a higher standard of living compared to Bangladesh, attracting individuals looking for a better quality of life.
  • Family reunification: Bangladeshis who have family members residing in the United States may travel there to reunite with their loved ones and build a stronger support system.
  • Cost of flights: While airfare can vary, there are often affordable flight options available between Bangladesh and the United States, making it accessible for travelers.
  • Accommodations: The United States provides a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hotels to luxury resorts, catering to different preferences and budgets.
  • Visa process: The United States has a well-established visa process, and although it can be rigorous, Bangladeshis who are granted visas can enjoy the opportunities available in the country.